Student Loan Forgiveness

Money Over Thirty

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People who are now in their 30s are right in the middle of the two most-educated generations the United States has ever produced. And by “educated,” I mean attended college or a university. So, even though there are people in their 30s on both sides of the Gen X/Gen Y divide, college is (the?) one thing that unites the 18 – 49 demographic in this country. (Interestingly, 18- to 49-year-olds are also the target “demo” for TV advertisers.)

It makes sense that many of these people face a common struggle: Paying back their student loans. The federal student loan program has been around since the oldest Gen Xers were in diapers, so for almost every U.S. citizen seeking a college education since the mid 1960s, low-interest loans have been available from the federal government.

A series of Congressional actions over the years have made…

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